
January Manifestation” and “Winter Evening Woods.” The Trumpeter. 39.1 (2023). 102-103.

"Kcatta Cinap." Saint Paul Almanac Magazine. Fall 2023. (2nd Place Winner in the Saint Paul Almanac's Courage Contest.)

"The Edge of Winter." Humana Obscura. Issue 7 (Fall/Winter 2023). 19.

Real Work. Minneapolis, Nodin Press. October 2022. Finalist for the Minnesota Book Award in poetry.

Cover of the book Real Work, with a photo of the St. Lous River and a rocky island below and the title of the book above

Cover photograph 

by Janna Knittel

Cover design by John Toren

"Hospice." Breakwater Review. April 2022.

"Do You Remember." Parks and Points Poetry 2022. April 29, 2022.

"On the Trail." Lyricality. April 24, 2022

"About Bees." Tiny Seed. July 20, 2020.

"The Fox." Up North Lit. Spring 2019. (Finalist for the Up North Poetry Prize)

"Grand Portage." In Waters Deep: A Great Lakes Anthology. Ed. Crystal S. Gibbons and Michelle Menting. Split Rock Review, 2018. 23-24.

"Profane Elegy"; "Talking to My Mother, Two and a Half Years After"; and "Grief." North Dakota Quarterly. 85:1-4 (2018)  92-95.

Fish & Wild Life. Georgetown, KY, Finishing Line, 2018. (Chapbook)

The cover of the book FISH & WILD LIFE

Cover art by Ellen Larsen

"Driftless." Split Rock Review. Issue 12, Fall 2018. (This link includes an audio recording of me reading the poem.)

"A History of Shaving." Academy of American Poets.

"Western Fish Toxicology Station, Corvallis, Oregon." NEAT Magazine. Issue 9 (Summer 2015). 22.

Note: Some of the links take you to the entire publication, rather than just the individual poems, so you have to scroll down a bit.